
Voices of Europe

Films produced by Move Copenhagen for Voices of Europe — a non-profit organization established to strengthen civic and democratic participation through intercultural dialogue across Europe. Voices of Europe is a testimony to the power of finding and honoring one’s voice. The organization gives Europeans the opportunity to share their thoughts in short documentary films that hopefully will offer a deeper understanding of our shared identity and shared values — and as a consequence bring us closer together.

First Aid Training

Nursery and pre-school staff are not required to undertake paediatric first aid. It is important to have as many carers trained as possible. Having the bare minimum is not sufficient enough as this does not allow for staff holidays or sickness. Campaign for Ministry of Children and Education.

Bullying Online

Work for — a ressource for parents and carers concerned about cyberbullying. Initial findings in last year’s EU Kids Online survey revealed how almost a quarter of children claim they have been bullied. And many suspect this figure is rising.
As a parent, cyberbullying is likely to be a new phenomenon to you. While the classroom and playground bullies still exist, the practice has evolved. Think about it: the internet can be an anonymous, instant and far-reaching communications tool – a perfect match for bullies seeking to inflict maximum emotional damage. But remember, you can combat this new and dangerous strain of bullying.

Less Will Do

Physical activity helps children grow strong bones, maintain a healthy weight, and prevent deadly lifestyle illnesses. Unfortunately, a new study shows that only 10 pct. of Danish 11-year old girls meet the recommendations issued by the Danish Health Authority: Children need to be physical active at least 60 minutes a day. At the same time, the study shows that a parent’s effort has the greatest impact on their child’s activity level.

On this account, the Danish Health Authority is launching a new film spot aimed at fathers to pre-teens. The new work is themed “Less Will Do” and is part of the Danish Health Authority “Get Moving” campaign, which launched in early 2010. A new film kicks things off by showing how a father to a pre-teen girl is preparing himself physically and mentally for what seems to be a sports competition, but as it turns out, he is preparing himself for something completely different.

Creativity & Innovation

The European Year of Creativity and Innovation put emphasis on the importance to foster creative and innovative talents in our societies. The European Year of Creativity and Innovation aims to raise awareness of the importance of creativity and innovation for personal, social and economic development; to disseminate good practices; to stimulate education and research, and to promote policy debate on related issues.
Creativity and innovation contribute to economic prosperity as well as to social and individual wellbeing.

Who Made Your Clothes?

Behind the Seams is an organization dedicated to improving the conditions of workers in the international fashion industry and to raise awareness about the environmental impact of the industry.
Together we can make the changes necessary to transform an industry that is, in many cases, dangerous to garment workers and hazardous to both consumers and the environment. The Behind the Seams initiative build bridges between the global fashion industry in the developed world and the garment industry producing the clothes in the developing countries.

Health Authority

Health surveys are essential components of a comprehensive health surveillance system. Furthermore, in many countries, the only way to gain information about the health of the population is through surveys because adequate registers are not available. In Denmark, there is a long tradition of monitoring the health of the population through surveys. Our work is promoting the biggest health survey conducted every four years. A large number of responses will have a direct impact on health services offered in the local authorities.
This work was supported by the Ministry of the Interior and Health, the National Board of Health, the five Danish Regions and the National Institute of Public Health.

A Gift For Life

Anyone who’s seen kids on a playground knows that most are naturally physically active and love to move around. But what might not be apparent is that climbing to the top of a slide or swinging from the monkey bars can help lead kids to a lifetime of being active.

As they get older, it can be a challenge for kids to get enough daily activity. Reasons include increasing demands of school, a feeling among some kids that they aren’t good at sports, a lack of active role models, and busy working families. In spite of these barriers, parents can instill a love of activity and help kids fit it into their everyday lives. Doing so can set healthy patterns that will last into adulthood. It’s a gift for life.

Active with Dementia

Supporting a person who has dementia to remain active and still feel involved in life can be the key to maintaining quality of life even into the later stages of the illness. This is not just the job of an activity organiser or an entertainer, it is also part of every person’s role, whether you are a friend or relative, a home or day care worker, a nurse, a care assistant, a manager or a domestic worker.

Copenhagen 2021

World Pride 2021 will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark and Malmo, Sweden. It will follow on from a triumphant World Pride 2019 in New York. This will be the first time a World Pride festival has been held in Scandinavia.

After spending much of 2021 in lockdown, Pride season in 2021 is going to feel all the more exciting. Around five million people attend World Pride 2019 in New York, so World Pride 2021 in Copenhagen is going to be biggest gay event Scandinavia has ever seen.